If you own a dog there is a possibility that your homeowners insurance policy may exclude coverage if your dog bites somebody. If this occurs, you may be personally responsible for the damages that were caused by the dog bite. Typical dog bites result in thousands of dollars of expenses. According to insurance statistics, the average cost paid out for dog bite claims exceeds $29,000.
Many people are unaware that typical homeowners insurance policies exclude coverage for “aggressive” dogs, such as Pit Bulls & Staffordshire Terriers, Doberman Pinschers, Rottweilers, German Shepherds, Chows, Akitas and many other breeds of dogs. Furthermore, some insurers exclude coverage for any dog that has bitten a person in the past or has not received state required vaccinations. To top all of this off, insurers may deny coverage for dog bites if the insurer was not aware the homeowner owned a dog.
To protect yourself, your loved ones, and the assets you have worked hard for, make sure you inform your homeowners insurer if you own a dog. Furthermore, update your homeowners insurer any time you get a new dog. If your homeowners insurer does not cover your dog, look into an additional writer for pet insurance and make sure they cover your specific breed of dog.