When it comes to head-on collisions, the potential for severe injuries cannot be overstated. The force generated in such accidents often leads to life-altering consequences. If you are a regular road user, knowing the injuries that you may sustain in a head-on...
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Car Accidents
What if a distracted driver causes an Arizona crash?
Distraction is an increasingly common reason for Arizona collisions. Drivers may have a hard time disconnecting from their mobile phones and could cause a crash when they read an email or respond to a text message. Although many people understand how dangerous...
Is the rear driver always to blame for a rear-end crash?
Determining fault for an Arizona car crash can be rather difficult. Even those who have flagrantly violated the law may try to blame others for the crashes they cause. Some drivers truly do not understand their actions caused a wreck or not. Police officers putting...
3 ways to identify the driver at fault for a hit-and-run crash
The law in Arizona very clearly mandates that those involved in a motor vehicle collision stop at the crash scene to check on the other parties involved in the crash and report the matter to area law enforcement. Those who fail to do so have violated state statutes...
Why do some Arizona car wrecks lead to civil lawsuits?
Most people do their best to stay safe on the road. Even if they sometimes bend the traffic rules a bit, they avoid obviously reckless behavior and expect others to do the same. The traffic rules that exist help to limit the likelihood of a collision, but the...
Can people resolve car crash issues without involving the state?
Crashes are part of daily life in Arizona, even if they only ever affect a minority of people each year. The vast majority of people consistently reach their destination while driving without any noteworthy incidents. Some people go their entire lives without ever...
3 financial crash challenges victims may overlook at first
People generally understand that car crashes can prove financially devastating. That is one of the reasons why liability insurance is mandatory. Drivers are required to have coverage that will pay for any damages they cause to others while at the wheel. Unfortunately,...
What can you do to maximize your car accident claim settlement?
You may have to deal with numerous challenges after a car accident caused by a negligent driver - from painful injuries and mounting medical bills to lost wages and other unanticipated losses. It is only fair that you receive compensation for the harm and losses...
Arizona could do better when it comes to driver safety
A report by Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety has revealed that Arizona lacks 11 critical traffic safety laws that could make the state's roads safer for everyone. The absence of these laws, which are largely related to adult and child seat belts or restraints,...
How can you prove non-economic damages after a car crash?
Injuries sustained in a car accident can result in economic and non-economic damages. If you have recently been injured in a wreck, economic damages are the direct monetary losses you’ve suffered, like medical bills, property damage and lost wages. By contrast,...