For those of you who are considering taking on a project, whether it is a remodel, new landscaping, or perhaps a built-in trampoline or pool, odds are you will need a contractor to come in and complete the project. Unless you have an abundance of time or are...
A Local Arizona Law Firm
Working For You
Year: 2019
You Probably Don’t Have Adequate Motor Vehicle Insurance: Tips to Protect Yourself
We Arizonans cherish our right to drive hither, thither and yon. This month we speak on a topic that is often overlooked and definitely misunderstood (sometimes misrepresented) – Motor Vehicle Insurance. Pinching pennies on this coverage can have unfortunate...
Don’t Get Bitten by Your Homeowners Insurer If Your Dog Bites
If you own a dog there is a possibility that your homeowners insurance policy may exclude coverage if your dog bites somebody. If this occurs, you may be personally responsible for the damages that were caused by the dog bite. Typical dog bites result in thousands of...
Got Med Pay?
Most of Arizona’s drivers don’t know about medical payments coverage (aka “med pay”) and/or don’t have it. Med pay is an optional automobile insurance coverage not required by Arizona law. As with any insurance, you may ask why you should have it and is the additional...